Kotlin tips and tricks I learned from Advent of Code 2022/23

In 2022 I set out to complete advent of code each day using Kotlin. It was a lot of fun and following along with Jetbrains/Sebastians videos was a great way to explore alternative solutions. Along the way I learned and was reminded of the power of all the different tools we have available in Kotlin and the standard library which I’ve endeavoured to list below. You might learn something new or it might be a reminder of something forgotten. I’ll be checking over this list before next December to refresh.

in no particular order:

extension property

Extension functions are well known and loved but you can also have extension properties

val Card.nextUpgradeAttack: Int
    get() = (this.attackPoints * 1.2).toInt()Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)

Note that you need the getter as extension properties can’t have backing fields as explained in the Kotlin docs


Create multiple variables from the individual components of something. Great for Pairs, Lists, Maps, and data classes.

val (part1, part2) = myString.split(" ,")

for ((key, value) in myMap) { println("$key, $value") }Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)


Split a list into smaller lists of a given size (the last list may be smaller).

val words = "up 4 left 5 down 7 left 2".split(' ')
val moves = words.chunked(2)

// You can also transform the resulting chunks immediately
val moves = words.chunked(2) { (direction, distance) -> Move(direction, distance) }Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)


Transform each item in a list

val numsList = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
val squares = numsList.map { it * it }
// 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36

val cards = listOf(Card(Jack, Diamond), Card(Four, Club))
val cardValues = cards.map { card -> card.value }Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)


Creates a range that counts down. Useful for loops. Includes start and end values

for (i in 5 downTo 0) { print(i) }
// 543210Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)

..< (now preferred to equivalent “until” function)

Create range excluding the end value

for (i in 1..<4) { print(i) }
// 123
for (j in 1..4) { print(j) }
// 1234Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)


Create a range with the given steps between values

for (i in 0..8 step 2) { print(i) }
// 02468
for (j in 8 downTo 0 step 2) print(j)
// 86420Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)


When list.size doesn’t do the trick because it starts at zero, list.lastIndex steps in to save the day.

//skip the first value
for (i in 1..myList.lastIndex) { ... }

for (j in myList.lastIndex downTo 0) { ... }Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)

operator override

Create custom implementations of standard operators like +, *, in, etc.

data class Card(val attackPoints: Int) {
    operator fun plus(other: Card): Card {
        return Card(this.attackPoints + other.attackPoints)

// Then you can do
val result = Card(7) + Card(4)Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)

The list of all the operators you can override is in the kotlin docs


Add some syntactical flair that feels like you’re creating a new kotlin keyword

infix fun Map<Int, String>.excluding(other: Int): Map<Int, String> { ... }

// Normally a method call would look like this
// but with infix it can be changed to
myMap excluding 5Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)


Do the thing multiple times. Just shorthand for a 0 based for loop.

repeat(3) { index ->
// Hello0Hello1Hello2Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)

Can also repeat strings

// WordWordWordWordCode language: JavaScript (javascript)


Join elements in list together to form one string

val numbers = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
    prefix = "<",
    postfix = ">",
    separator = "•"
// <1•2•3•4•5•6>Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)

Supports transforming objects into strings to be joined

val cars = listOf(ferrari, lamborghini, ford, kia)
    cars.joinToString(separator = ", ") { car ->
        "${car.brandName} is ${if (car.isCool) "cool" else "lame"}"
// Ferrari is cool, Lamborghini is cool, Ford is lame, Kia is lame
        Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)


Returns the list with elements in the reversed order

val numbers = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
val reversed = numbers.reversed()
// [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)


Just a simplified way of checking there is only one element then getting that first element. Returns the single element or throws if there are less/more than one. Also .singleOrNull()

val one = listOf(1,2,3)
val two = listOf(1,6,11)
val commonElement = (one intersect two).single()
// 1Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)


sum returns the sum of elements in a collection of numbers

val numbers = listOf(1,2,3,4,5)
// 15Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)

sumOf lets you transform elements to be counted

return inputLists.sumOf { list ->
}Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)


Finds the number of elements matching the predicate

val numbers = listOf(1,2,3,4,5)
println(numbers.count { num -> num % 2 == 0 })
// 2Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)


All returns true of all elements match the given predicate. Any returns true if any element matches.

val numbers = listOf(1,2,3,4,5)
println(numbers.all { it % 2 == 0})
// false

println(numbers.any { it % 2 == 0})
// trueCode language: Kotlin (kotlin)


Check if element is in the collection

if (count in list) {
    print(“Count is present in the list”)
}Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)

Also used for loops

for (i in list) { ... }
// but probably you want to use list.forEach { ... }Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)


Named loops

Allows you to break out of a loop early.

list.forEach name@ {
   if (...) {
}Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)


Returns a list of lists captured by sliding a “window” across the list

val numbers = listOf(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
val windows = numbers.windowed(size = 5, step = 1)
// [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [3, 4, 5, 6, 7], [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]

val numbers10 = listOf(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
val partialWindows = numbers10.windowed(size = 5, step = 3, partialWindows = true)
// [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [4, 5, 6, 7, 8], [7, 8, 9, 10], [10]]Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)


Find the index of the first occurrence of any of the supplied strings

val input = "lluddlrlrrrduu"
val (firstIndex, foundString) = input.findAnyOf(listOf("u", "d"))!!
println("$foundString was found at index $firstIndex")
// u was found at index 2Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)


Similar to maxOf/minOf it ensures the returned value is within the constraints

val points = 73
// 70
// 80
// 73Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)


Split a list in two using the given condition

val list = listOf(Person("Tom", 18), Person("Andy", 32), Person("Sarah", 22))
val result = list.partition { it.age < 30 }
// ([Tom - 18, Sarah - 22], [Andy - 32])

val (greenApples, notGreenApples) = apples.partition { it.isGreen }Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)


Grab the first/last N elements from a list. Just a convenience method for .sublist(0,n)

// 1,2,3
// 6,7,8Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)


Get a sublist excluding the dropped elements

// 4,5,6,7,8
// 1,2,3,4,5Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)