I qualified for the Logitech McLaren G Challenge finals but with Covid we couldn’t have those finals in person. Instead Logitech shipped equipment out to all competitors so we could race from home. It was a lot of equipment.
I arrived at the postage center to pick it up and ran in to trouble. There was no way that was fitting in my car. It was a full on massive crate! Thankfully Eevee came to the rescue, called a friend and organised a truck to transport it.

The crate had everything we could possibly need to race and be on an even playing field; computer, ultra wide monitor, logitech mouse, headset, camera, background banner, t-shirt. Seperately I also received a Logitech wheel and pedals and keyboard. It was awesome.
The competition was on Project Cars 2 and I didn’t go particularly well in the finals but getting in and getting this reward was achievement enough.
Unfortunately we did have to return the computer and monitor. Boy I was sad seeing the ultra wide go.
My room has been taken over by @LogitechG_ANZ equipment AND I LOVE IT! My setup is on a whole new level ready for the @LogitechG Challenge finals tonight! Live from 10pm NZT on twitch.tv/logitechg #ReadyToRace #LogitechG #Alienware #massivescreenisawesome
With all the sick logitech gear I’ve received lately I figured I ought to set it up properly Can’t believe this is in my house @LogitechG_ANZ #logitechg #G915 #prowirelessmouse #prowirelessheadset #streamcam #ultrawidemonitor