Here’s the low down from another great weekends racing.
Sunday morning saw the practice that wasn’t qualifying as the grids were decided by our championship positions. Never the less both me and Dad did fastest ever times so the excitement was building.
In the race I chose to start and was on the grid next to 906 and another MR2 number 86 who we have had battles with all year. I got off to a great start and managed to sneak ahead although the following laps would be a real battle. For half my stint the battle raged with a lot of close racing. I have a reputation to up hold however so naturally it ending with me having a big spin at the first corning. I was gutted, there was no way to catch up to the guys we were battling in the championship. After that I was essentially racing by myself for the rest of my stint and had the time to notice the brakes were not right. At some later point I was going around the hairpin and the camera literally fell into my lap, so no video this round I’m afraid. At the half way mark I came in to switch with Dad. In the frantic rush that was the pit stop I completely forgot to mention the strange goings on with the brakes.
Turns out when Dad went back out he flawed it to the second corner (first corner after pit lane). When he got there he went to brake and there was nothing there, his foot went to the floor. He went straight ahead but managed to control it enough to recover and carry on. Pumping the brakes frantically he got some pedal back and managed to continue racing, although as you can imagine you can’t set good lap times without good brakes. Due to my earlier mistake, and without the speed to catch anyone, he also ended up racing alone, occasionally getting lapped by the faster guys.
Despite all this me and Dad did our fastest ever racing lap times so the car was definitely faster, although Dad wishes to take credit saying we are just better drivers after our lesson with John McIntyre.
I hope to have some cool pictures up soon, and perhaps I’ll even get time to put up videos from previous rounds.
I cant wait for next season and a chance to get rid of the spinning reputation