
Virtual Driver – Race Driver – Developer

Manfeild Madness – round recap

Another big race day. Interesting to race on a new circuit but it was very fun.

First off we had only one qualifying session for both of us to learn the track. There was a quick change with only one race suit between the two of us but dad only managed a few laps.

I was racing first and started 16th. I was going fast and moved up but went too fast and did some off roading, I didnt lose any spots but ended up going slower after that. A few laps from the end the guy behind me finally caught up but in trying to pass he hit me and we both went around. First ding on the race car. I recovered and the car kept going nicely but I lost a few spots which turned a good result into an average one. I finished 17th overall but that includes the 1.6 cup.

Dad raced the second race with not much experience while everyone else had a race under there belt. The reverse grid meant dad started 7th but was quickly swallowed up by the faster cars behind him. Part way through he heard knocking and thought he had wrecked another engine, the distraction caused him to spin and lose some spots. He carried on with there seeming to be no lose in power but only finished 20th overall. When he got back he got out of the car very concerned for the motor only to find the boot wasn’t closed properly and it had been bouncing around making the noise. Not sure if that was lucky or unlucky.
Heaps of fun but we would like a bit more luck on the track.

Living the dream.